About Us

  • FREE Drug Discount Card

    OK, so we have the VA but what about your family and friends? VeteransAIR has joined the good people at America's Drug Card to offer you the VeteransAIR Prescription Drug Card free of charge. To get your card contact VeteransAIR or go to URL http://www.americasdrugcard.org/index.aspx

    Seriously, this is a quality card with no gimmicks, no strings and nothing to buy or any commitment. Go to the website and check it out as there are significant savings using this card. You can contact VeteransAir.us at 936-344-3083 or email info@veteransair.us for more information.

  • your Host: DouglasB

    As a disabled veteran and lifetime member of several different veterans service organizations I have a passion for veteran's rights. Not that I think every VSO and veteran out there is pulling their weight because they aren't and you know who you are, Carl! As long as I'm the host we are going to be doing what's right for our veterans, their families and our men and woman in uniform.

    VeteransAir will continue to spotlight Veteran Service Organizations in our community regardless of the organization's affiliations. If you work with or for veterans, their families or our active duty service members, we want to give you your 15 minutes of fame.

    You can contact Veterans Air at 936-344-3083 or email info@veteransair.us.
  • An idea is born

    : In October of 2015, the idea of creating a radio show focusing on veterans and their families first saw the light of day. The brainchild of Peter Koch, the show was to be an American Legion show. From there the idea took on a life of its own. DouglasB was added to the mix to bring in some new technical expertise and experiences. The show has since grown to be a true veterans show focusing on news, talk and commentary of interest to veterans, their families and our active duty service members.

    VeteransAir will continue to spotlight Veteran Service Organizations in our community regardless of the organization's affiliations. If you do work with or for veterans, their families or our active duty service members we want to give you your 15 minutes of fame.

    You can contact Veterans Air at 936-344-3083 or email info@veteransair.us.